Inequality: Are We All in This Together?

Recorded in May 2020.

2020 will be remembered as the year when a novel strain of coronavirus spread around the globe, leaving a trail of death, despair and disruption in its wake. In this podcast, we explore the ways in which the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting lives worldwide. We ask how it will change the world as we know it - from the global economy and geopolitics to the long-term consequences for people, societies and cultures. And we want to know: What can we learn from this pandemic and our responses to it?

While the ongoing global medical emergency deepens inequalities between and within societies, and further entrenches gender inequality, public health experts are aware of inequality itself acting as a multiplier on virus’s spread. While it is impossible to explore all relevant dimensions of inequality in this podcast, in this episode Joel Sandhu speaks to four guests about who suffers disproportionately from the current pandemic. And asks: What can be done?

In this episode our guests are:

- Elizabeth Sidiropoulos (Chief Executive of the South African Institute of International Affairs)

- Jodi Allemeier (Urban Governance Specialist in Cape Town, South Africa)

- Abdul El-Sayed (Physician, Epidemiologist, Public Health Expert, and Progressive Activist from Michigan, USA)

- Alisha Haridasani Gupta (Gender Reporter at the New York Times)

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